Dr. Török Gábor

Historian, political scientist, associate professor, and political analyst. He graduated with honors from the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, where he studied history and political theory. He obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE. He has been teaching at the Corvinus University of Budapest since 1997. He is specialized in political and strategical analysis, his main field of research is the analysis of the Hungarian political system after the regime change. He is the author, co-author or editor of nine different books. He was appointed Secretary General of the Hungarian Political Science Association in 2000 and in 2003.

Lengyel Zsolt Emil

Zsolt Emil Lengyel is a Hungarian-English high school teacher, who became a television director more than 20 years ago. He began his career at the MTV (Hungarian Television) at that time. Since then, he has directed a number of television programmes, presentations, concerts, and documentaries. In the past 10 years, he was working as principal and art director for ATV, a nationwide Hungarian channel, however, he also directs programmes for RTL Klub, Viasat, and more serious shows for MTV. Lengyel used to work as a principal director for TV2 Hungary, where he launched new programmes for which the scenery and image were created by himself.

Földes András

A journalist, who has been working for 18 years at Index, one of Hungary’s most visited internet information portals. For 10 years, Földes was working as a cultural journalist, writing articles mostly about movies and architecture. His love for films has not changed, though presently his job primarily focuses on human rights, migration and humanitarian issues. Földes writes reports and makes video footage of the interesting places, such as the conflict zones, he visits.

André Singer

CEO of Spring Films Ltd in London. He was awarded his doctorate from Oxford University as an anthropologist and has subsequently followed a twin-track career in both anthropology and filmmaking. He has now been in the documentary film world for over forty years as researcher, producer, director, executive producer and commissioning editor. In the past few years he has executive produced several films, including the multiple award-winning and Oscar nominated diptych The Act of Killing. In 2016 he directed Where the Wind Blew about nuclear weapon testing, the film won the Raven Award for best Documentary Feature at DocUtah in 2017.

Adele Kohout

Born in Prague in 1981, Adele studied recent history and art history at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf and the University of Zurich. Alongside her studies she worked as assistant director at Czech television in 2005. In 2008 she was assistant project manager at Stein Promotion, Sales, Events. After her master’s degree in cultural management in Ludwigsburg she joined the DOK.fest communication team. In 2010 she was appointed assistant to the festival director, subsequently becoming the deputy managing director of DOK.fest München in 2016.

Koronczay Lilla

She grew up in Veszprém. She graduated at the Eötvös Lóránd University, where she studied Hungarian literature, linguistics and history and also had a little taste of film aesthetics. The horizon-broadening lectures of András Réz left an especially big impression on her, she gained thanks to them more knowledge about arthouse films and documentaries. She become her two children at a relatively young age and got her third degree in journalism while on maternity leave. She has been working for the biggest Hungarian weekly paper Nôk Lapja since 1998.

Karafiáth Orsolya

Orsolya Karafiáth is a poetess, writer, publicist, and performer. Eight books of her have been published: four poetry books and four novels, the latest one under the title Szirén. Karafiáth’s critics, reviews and interviews appeared, in particular, on Magyar Narancs and in Elle, while her writings about the public sphere appeared on the website 24.hu. She also leads discussions and organizes Gesamtkunstwerk projects.

Rényi Dániel Pál

Hungarian sociologist, political journalist and co-worker of the website, 444. He is known for his longer, analytical articles discussing topics of Hungarian domestic politics; writes about the political decisions’ background, the governmental actors’ relationships, and the media policy. Rényi also writes documentary critics as well. In 2011, he was awarded by Reporters Without Borders with a Press Freedom Prize, following that, he received a Junior Prima Prize and a Pulitzer Memorial Award. He is a grantee of the World Press Institute’s and the Robert Bosch Foundation’s scholarships.

Krausz Esther

Head of the CREATIVE EUROPE Desk Austria - MEDIA, located in the Austrian Film Institute in Vienna. Together with Ursula Wolschlager, she has developed and managed ProPro – The Producers Programme for Women - an initiative by the Austrian Film Institute to Empower Women Film Producers. Esther has worked in film-production, marketing and PR, and she has been involved in the local management of European industry- and training-events such as EAVE and the Producers Network of the Cannes Marché du Film. Esther holds an MA in Intercultural Competencies.

Justin Jaeckle

Justin Jaeckle is a curator and writer working across contemporary culture, art and the moving image, based between Lisbon and London. He is a programmer for Doclisboa International Film Festival’s International Competition and New Visions sections. He is curator of the Architecture Foundation/Barbican series Architecture on Film. He has curated programs for and in partnership with Tate Modern and Britain, the Design Museum, Royal College of Art, Victoria & Albert Museum, Barbican Art Gallery and Cinemateca Portuguesa. His writing has appeared in titles including Art Review, Frieze and Wallpaper*

Jakus Ibolya

ditor-in-chief of HVG since 2014. She graduated from the Moscow University of Cinematography in 1982, where she majored in film and media economics Later she completed the European Studies postgraduate course of the Corvinus University of Budapest. She began her career as a unit manager for Magyar Televízió, then worked in the Foto Cine Studios in Cyprus. After her return, she worked for two other years at MTV, then began to work for HVG, Hungary’s leading political-economic newspaper. As a journalist, one of her main areas of expertise are media politics and cultural financing.

Nyáry Krisztián

Krisztián Nyáry lectured on the history of poetry at the University of Pécs; presently he is publishing books. In early 2012 he began to publish on Facebook sketches of the love-lives of Hungarian artists and writers. These jottings gave rise to two books entitled Így szerettek ôk 1–2, which became best-sellers. In his books Igazi hôsök and Merész magyarok respectively he has written about men and women whose lives and determination set examples that remain valid to this day. In his latest book he gives an account of the love relationships of Hungarian painters of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Fliegauf Bence

Hungarian writer, director, producer. His debut feature FOREST won the Wolfgang Staudte Prize at the Berlinale in 2003, one year later his second movie, DEALER won the Berliner Zeitung Audience Award. It was honored later by more than 20 prestigious awards. MILKY WAY won Locarno’s Golden Leopard. His first English-language movie, WOMB starred Eva Green. JUST THE WIND received among others the Jury Grand Prize at the Berlinale. His latest movie LILY LANE won the Golden Olive Tree of Lecce, the Best Film Award at Palic International Film festival, and the Main Prize at Minsk Listapad.

Charles Paviot

Film producer, founding partner of Paris based production company Arts Premiers established in 2007. Founding member and acting president since 2002 of producers club, le cercle (Paris, France). Member of Unifrance Films, European Film Academy (EFA), Académie des Arts et Techniques du cinema (César Awards), Media Club, La Cinémathèque Française, La Cinémathèque de Bretagne, La Cinémathèque de Grenoble and La Cinémathèque de Toulouse. Member of jury in 2004 and 2006 for Gran Foundation Film Fund. Jury member at various international film festivals.

Oliver Wright

Oliver is the programmer of Open City Documentary Festival. Open City creates an open space in London to nurture and champion the art of creative documentary and non-fiction filmmakers. The 8th edition will take place between 4th- 9th September 2018.

Artner Szilvia

Hungarian cultural journalist, editor and critic. She studied Hungarian cultural management and sociology at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) of Budapest, then learned European diplomacy at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. She publishes her writings concerning cultural, social, minority and gender topics primarily at Magyar Narancs, a political and cultural weekly newspaper. She works in Hungarian and international theatrical, contermporary art, cultural and social projects (as project manager, dramaturge, social scientist). She teaches creative writing, communication, and leads club and camp.

Fekete Ádám

Dramaturge, writer, actor. Graduated from the University of Theatre and Film Arts of Budapest in 2015, where he majored in dramaturgy. In recent years, he was cooperating with independent and bricks-and-mortar theater companies, such as the TÁP Színház, where his theatrical career began. He also has participated in a number of performances and movies as an actor, including Attila Till’s Kills on Wheels. Recently, his interest turned towards creating his own theatre scripts and productions. He was awarded the Junior Prima Prize in the category of theatre and won the Szép Ernô-award.

Janisch Attila

Hungarian Film director, winner of the Balázs Béla Prize and the Artist of Merit Award. He graduated from the University of Theatre and Film Arts of Budapest (SZFE) in 1984. Janisch favours free and associative film structures, and surreal stories which are halfway between reality and dream. His works, including Long Twilight (1997), have won several awards of the Hungarian and international professional world of films. He teaches at the SZFE, Werk Academy, and at the University of Pécs. A number of his studies and writings discussing cinema language has appeared in the film journals.

Lucio Barisone

Film-club host, journalist and film critic. Since 1997 he has contributed to numerous international film festivals, including the Locarno International Film Festival and the Venice International Film Festival. Between 2002-2007 artistic director at Alba Infinity Festival, which was founded by him, from 2008 to 2010 artistic director at Festival dei Popoli. From 2011 to 2017 he has been the director of Visions du Réel. He has served as member of the jury at several international film festivals incl. Caméra d’or, DocLisboa, DocAviv, Cinéma du Réel, Hot Docs, IDFA, CineDoc Tbilisi, DocDF in Mexico.

Krzysztof Gierat

Polish film expert. Joint founder and former head of the Jewish Culture Festival, Graffiti Film Centre and “Film Polski” Foundation. Former Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow, Director of the Polish State Television Film Agency, General Secretary of the Polish Filmmakers Association. Member of the Polish and European Film Academies. Since 2000, Director of the Krakow Film Festival. Founder and president of Krakow Film Foundation, which is the producer of Krakow Film Festival and promoter of Polish documentaries and shorts abroad. Lecturer at the Krakow Academy. Member of numerous film festivals’ juries.

Palya Bea

A distinctive figure of the Hungarian world music and songwriter scene. Her early career was influenced by Hungarian folk songs mixed with Bulgarian, Jewish and Gypsy music as a result of her inquiry to learn more about her ethnical roots. Bea takes traditional elements and builds something completely new from them that even hit radio stations like to pick up. The pure honesty of her lyrics inspires you to think, as she taps into social and personal topics of everyday life. Her amazing vocal skills, stage presence and ability to connect with her audience draws you in the very minute she walks into the spotlight.

Csákvári Géza

Journalist and film critic, former co-worker of the market leader Hungarian daily newspaper series, Népszabadság. Following the suspension of it’s publication in 2016, he began to work as a specialized journalist for Népszava. He is a permanent author of VOX Mozimagazin, his critics appear on IGN Hungary and he is frequently publishing in international film journals. He is artistic director of the Jameson CineFest - Miskolc International Film Festival since 2009. His research theme at the University of Theatre and Film Arts of Budapest is the programming of international film festivals.

Dolák-Saly Róbert

Musician, humorist, writer. He graduated from the Egri Tanárképzô Fôiskola, majoring in biology and drawing. His musical career started in 1976, as the one-man opening act of the band Omega. In 1980, he won a musical talent show of the Hungarian Television, later he formed DSR Band. In 1986, he was invited to András Laár’s comedy show. They decided to further cooperate, forming the L’art pour l’art Társulat, a group dedicated to Hungarian absurd humour. In 1996, Dolák-Saly took over the management of the new Társulat. Four of his volumes have been published so far.

Jiri Konecny

Czech film producer, owner of ENDORFILM. His productions were selected for numerous international festivals (including Cannes and Berlinale), received more than 50 awards. His films were four times national candidates for Oscar (WINGLESS; MADE IN ASH; AFERIM!; KOZA). He graduated from University of Economics in Prague and from FAMU. He is a graduate from EAVE and Producer on the Move in Cannes. He is a member of European Film Academy, Czech Film and Television Academy and Slovak Film and Television Academy. He is a member of a Managing Board of Czech Audiovisual Producers’ Association.

Ognjen Džinic

Ognjen Džinić has been known for over 20 years as one of the most renowned film professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In his journalistic career, he passed as the host and creator of the movie shows on five Radio and two TV Stations from Sarajevo. He started his career in the film industry in 1998, working for Sarajevo Film Festival and parallel on distribution, marketing and PR for major American studios and for European and regional titles. He currently acts as vice president of the Film Industry Association of B&H for public relations and as the executive producer of the Mostar Film Festival.